Assisti ontem Filhos da Esperanca.
Nao é ruim, mas nao chega a ser um classico, a trama é boa: a humanidade perde a fertilidade e por 18 anos seguindos, nenhuma crianca nasce. Imaginar um mundo sem criancas é imaginar um futuro com escolas abandonadas, ou melhor com uma humanidade abandonada, grandes invencoes nao sao mais o foco, ja que em 100 anos ninguem mais estara la para ver isso, bem como salvar grandes obras de artes para uma futura geracao que nao vira, nao faz sentido.
O Filme tem grandes sacadas, eu uma filmagem diferenciada, mas a trama deixa a desejar, na figura de Theo, mas vale a pena ver ;)
Yesterday I watched Children of Men.
Not bad, but not enough to be a classic, the plot is good: humanity loses fertility and the following section for 18 years, no child is born. Imagine a world without children is imagine a future with abandoned schools, or better with an abandoned humanity, great inventions are no longer the focus, since in 100 years no one else will be there to see them and save great works of arts to a future generation that won't be there to see them, does not make sense.
The film has great insights, It's shot in a different perspective, but the plot is weak, Theo (the main character) is under explored, the future was well described in that circumstances. I indicate to be watched ;)
Not bad, but not enough to be a classic, the plot is good: humanity loses fertility and the following section for 18 years, no child is born. Imagine a world without children is imagine a future with abandoned schools, or better with an abandoned humanity, great inventions are no longer the focus, since in 100 years no one else will be there to see them and save great works of arts to a future generation that won't be there to see them, does not make sense.
The film has great insights, It's shot in a different perspective, but the plot is weak, Theo (the main character) is under explored, the future was well described in that circumstances. I indicate to be watched ;)
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