domingo, 18 de dezembro de 2011


Em 2011 eu conheci e viciei na revista Wired, super indicada !!!

Uma palhinha:

Rate This Article: What’s Wrong with the Culture of Critique
Photo: Brock Davis

Photo: Brock Davis

You don’t have to read this essay to know whether you’ll like it. Just go online and assess how provocative it is by the number of comments at the bottom of the web version. (If you’re already reading the web version, done and done.) To find out whether it has gone viral, check how many people have hit the little thumbs-up, or tweeted about it, or liked it on Facebook, or dug it on Digg. These increasingly ubiquitous mechanisms of assessment have some real advantages: In this case, you could save 10 minutes’ reading time. Unfortunately, life is also getting a little ruined in the process.

Continue aqui (em ingles)


In 2011 I was introduced to Wired Magazine and guess what: I AM ADDICTED !!!

Just a flavor:

Rate This Article: What’s Wrong with the Culture of Critique

Photo: Brock Davis

Photo: Brock Davis

You don’t have to read this essay to know whether you’ll like it. Just go online and assess how provocative it is by the number of comments at the bottom of the web version. (If you’re already reading the web version, done and done.) To find out whether it has gone viral, check how many people have hit the little thumbs-up, or tweeted about it, or liked it on Facebook, or dug it on Digg. These increasingly ubiquitous mechanisms of assessment have some real advantages: In this case, you could save 10 minutes’ reading time. Unfortunately, life is also getting a little ruined in the process.

To be continued at the link:

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